- Let
us help you design your LQ...
- Here are a few popular options to add...
- Nose Up-grade: includes: Nose
Cabinet, ply on knee wall and nose deck, add plush carpet to nose deck, cover knee wall to match ceiling, two directional
reading eyeball lights, windows trimmed, valences, window shades, and cowboy hardware through out.
- Add a custom made
Mattress $285.00
- Refrigerator..
(3' 2-way "AC and Propane" or go less expensive with
just AC ) - Furnace
- Cook Top (2-burner cook top, cover, lighted hood vent)
- Antenna, "Roadstar"
- Satellite
- Dual Batteries w/locking alum box "dual batteries w/o alum box "
- Dual
LP w/alum tray "dual LP w/o alum tray "
- Removable Table
- Add New Carpet To Nose Area
"The prices given here are meant to be a basic guide to help
give an idea of cost. We work with each customer to put together a package price that is discounted below added totals

"Add Entertainment" Up-grade your Package, Add a LCD TV, DVD, and/or
Radio/CD complete with int & ext speakers.. LCD TV, DVD installed with Co-ax
$500.00 (Almost all packages include a TV stand w/co-ax hook-up already, just add your own TV) Radio/CD and int. & ext. speakers $325.00

Why cook inside... How
about a removable grill? Great add on to any trailer. $

How about cow hide in your doors or a tile mural just to set
everything off. The side wagon wheel shelves are a nice touch as well.

If you want a table and storage but don't have a lot of room, how about a Pantry Table? It's
only about 10" deep. It has a pull up table when you need one, and when you are finished it just slides back down
out of the way. The front is a nice pantry. $ 375.00

A built in microwave, cook top and 2-way refrigerator
are great to add to any package. You can add some decoratve hardware as well, to make it all just right for you.

The Fantastc Fan is always a great one to add. When it's not quite hot enough for the AC,
it will push or pull plenty of air through your trailer.

There are all sorts of hardware you can look at to
really spuce up your trailer. Even in the very basic package, if you add some special door pulls or towel bars it will really
set it off. We have pages and pages to look at when you come to see us.